What could you achieve if every leader in your organization had a coach in their pocket – one they could access at any time to craft the perfect piece of feedback, prepare for a difficult coaching conversation, or get personalized advice for coaching their team?

“PJ” is our AI coaching companion that helps leaders apply their coaching skills by offering customized support whenever needed. Developed in partnership with The Modern Office Company, this intuitive and friendly chat bot is the latest advancement in sustainment for our flagship 3×4 Coaching program.

What is PJ?

We’re calling PJ The Coach’s Coach. It’s a tool designed to help leaders work through coaching challenges and get advice on applying the 3×4 Coaching model, our framework of 3 plays and 4 skills that exceptional coaches use to deliver results and build commitment.

At its heart, PJ is an AI chat bot developed by Third Factor and The Modern Office Company. With a license, you can ask PJ questions and discuss just about anything related to coaching. PJ has been trained in the 3×4 Coaching model and can help you use questions, listening, feedback and confronting to build clarity, improve competence or give recognition.

What really excites us is that PJ is a true coach. Unlike other chat bots that jump straight into giving advice, PJ first listens to understand and asks clarifying questions to get to the heart of every issue. A conversation with PJ flows like a conversation with a real coach – acknowledging the very real challenges of leadership, building clarity about what’s really going on, and generating practical strategies for applying the coaching skills.

What can PJ help with?

PJ is designed to help with just about any coaching challenge. Whether you need help building clarity around an issue, delivering difficult feedback, or finding the right way to recognize a team member’s efforts, PJ is there to help.

Here is a list of sample prompts you might give PJ across a variety of categories:

Work through challenges

  • My direct report seems unmotivated and I’m not sure why
  • I’m struggling to build a relationship with a new team member
  • I’m not sure how to best coach someone with more experience than me

Prepare for a Conversation

  • Help me prepare for a challenging conversation with my direct report
  • I need to have a team discussion to clarify performance expectations
  • How should I deliver feedback on something that I didn’t directly observe?

Enhance skills

  • Give me a scenario to practice using the BID feedback model
  • What are strategies for improving my active listening?
  • How can I get more comfortable with having tough conversations?

Generate ideas

  • What are some simple but personalized recognition ideas for my team?
  • What are approaches to identify my team’s strengths and weaknesses?
  • I’d like ideas for quickly building relationships with new team members

Coach in different contexts

  • How do I coach someone from a different generation than me?
  • What are strategies for coaching someone who doesn’t report to me?
  • How do I adjust my coaching for in-person vs. remote team members?

Deepen coaching knowledge

  • Can you explain the concept of ‘developmental bias’ in more detail?
  • Does the BID model work for both reinforcing and corrective feedback?
  • What does it mean to use emotion as a fuel for change?

See PJ in action

PJ is trained to coach you through problems rather than just giving answers. After you explain what you need, PJ will ask clarifying questions to understand the nature of the coaching challenge. It will then help you discover how to apply the coaching plays and skills to address the issue and help you create a detailed action plan.

Here’s a real conversation with PJ about a team member’s punctuality to give you an idea of just what PJ can do.

How do I get access to PJ?

PJ is currently in a closed Beta and not available to the general public. If you want to try PJ and give us feedback on how to improve, send us an email explaining your coaching challenge and why you think PJ could help.